Products - Terms of use:

All content on this site is the property of the Pharmed Shayanand is protected by copyright.
permission to use documents such as white paper , press releases, datasheets and FAQ from this website is granted, provided thatthis notice appears in all copies and that in particular both the copyright notice and this permission notice appear, use of such documents from this site is for informational media and non comercial or only the personal use and will not be copied or posted to any other network computer or broadcast in commercial media and no modification of any documents are made. using for any other purposes is severely prohibited and may result in severe civil and criminal penalties.
the given permission in above doesn't include the use of the design or lay out of the boehringer- ingelheim .com website or any other site owned, operated, licensed or controlled by one of the companies of the Pharmed Shayan company. elements of these website are protected by copyright , trade dress, trademark, unfair competition, and other laws and may not be copied or imitated in whole or in part. no trademark trade dress logo graphic sound or image from any Pharmed shayans website may be copied or retransmitted expressly permitted by the Pharmed Shayan company owning these rights.